Posts Tagged ‘#occupyWallStreet’

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updates till sept 28, 2011

resistance movement against the financial system that has kept us oppressed.

The Wall Street occupation is being led by the hacktivist group, Anonymous, and calls for a peaceful demonstration against tyranny and government bailouts to businesses that are ‘too big to fail’ while homeowners are being foreclosed upon at an exponential rate without any help from their financial institutions who initially created this ordeal through the reselling of promissory notes and deeds to other financial institutions.

We got sold out, banks got bailed out,”

“Feed the poor, eat the rich”

“Wall Street, Our Street”.


Welcome to OCCUPY TOGETHER, an unofficial hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.

The Daily Bail

September 30, 2011

Occupy Boston – Official Website –

Twenty Arrested At Occupy Boston –

Occupy Boston – Live Stream –



Def Jam Records co founder, $340 mil Media Mogul Russel Simmons now at Occupy Wall Street after telling MSNBC earlier he was joining the protests and promising bring hundreds of thousands out to NYC

He is now confirmed to be at the Occupy Wall Street protests answering questions from the media and protestors.

#occupyWallstreet #occupyLA #occupyChicago #occupyAmerica………

DC Occupation Marks the 11th Year of Afghan War, Austerity Budgets and Builds on
Arab Spring, European Summer, Madison and Occupation of Wall Street

The People’s Uprisings seen around the world and in the United States come to Washington, DC’s Freedom Plaza beginning on Thursday, October 6 when thousands will converge to begin a prolonged people’s occupation of Freedom Plaza.  The October2011 Movement involves thousands of people and 150 organizations who have already signed. The DC occupation comes at a pivotal time: the beginning of the 11th year of war in Afghanistan and a new federal fiscal year that promises austerity of everything except weapons and war.

The Freedom Plaza occupation occurs as activists in New York are occupying Wall Street and follows major protests across the Midwest against austerity budgets, the environmental protest of the Tar Sands Pipeline where more than 1,200 were arrested and protests throughout the United States on a wide range of issues.

The October2011 Movement demands that the government represent the people, not just the top 1%. The pledge signed on by thousands calls for using our resources on human needs and environmental protection, not for war and exploitation. stands with super majorities of Americans on seven key issues:

  • Tax the rich and corporations
  • End the wars, bring the troops home, cut military spending
  • Protect the social safety net, strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all
  • End corporate welfare for oil companies and other big business interests
  • Transition to a clean energy economy, reverse environmental degradation
  • Protect worker rights including collective bargaining, create jobs and raise wages
  • Get money out of politics

Among those signing the pledge and participating in the action are Ann Wright, Baldemar Velasquez, Chris Hedges, Coleen Rowley, Cornel West, Cynthia McKinney, Ray McGovern, Sibel Edmonds and Ted Rall.


people now getting their trillio$ dollars bailout.

N.E.S.A.R.A. reformation includes, but is not limited to:

Debt-forgiveness (zero-out) on all Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational, and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds.

Creates a U.S. Treasury Bank System; Absorbs the Federal Reserve; Issues new precious metals backed currency. Permanently eliminates Inflation.

Abolishes the IRS. Tax Collections. Creates a Sales Tax Revenue on non-essential new items only to fund legit government operations.

Restores Constitutional Law; Retrains public servants to uphold Constitutional Law, including law enforcement, the courts and the remaining government agencies.
